Woche 50: Eine lange Woche aber doch eine gute Woche
So, P-Day... Actually, at the end of the day we met with a guy
named "J". He said that he has heard a lot about Mormons, but knew
quite literally nothing about us himself. So he wanted to meet with
us for "academic purposes only." Well, we talked about the
apostasy and then followed with the Restoration of the Gospel. And
then we watched the film and talked about it. I could totally tell a
difference in his countenance. We had told him at the beginning why
we are here. Many people think we are just here to inform them about
the mormons. But we told him straight up that we are here to help
him come closer to Christ. And whether he realized or not, he
unconsciously did and the Spirit entered the room and testified of
the truthfulness of this message we share!. It was awesome.
Tuesday we had District Meeting like always. But this time, I was
the one leading it! Well, it was pretty weird. But it was fun! We
had like the longest German Tip ever, or so it seemed like it! Haha,
and then we went over the importance of the Book of Mormon. How it
can give us a testimony of the Restoration of His Gospel, but also
of His divinity! The Book of Mormon is so important, especially if
we want to fully understand the fullness of His Gospel. If we want
to understand that, or His Plan for us, or who He is, then the Book
of Mormon becomes a necessity! We need the Book of Mormon and the
Bible hand in hand to learn who He is and why we are here.
Wednesday morning we sent Elder Seewer off to Bruck an der Mur.
And afterwards we met with a guy named "P". We went over Priesthood
authority and the need for it, especially with Baptism. We have been
talking about this for a while, and he said that he didn't
understand it. Wasn't his previous baptism done out of faith. So we
drew on the board a small picture. We told him that there are
certain things we do to prepare for baptism, which he had done being
a humble and spiritual man. We told him that Baptism is like a door.
We go through and enter into a covenant, or promise, with the Lord.
But in order to go through this door, we have to have a key. We
explained how the proper authority was this key. After Christ and
His apostles were killed or died, this authority left along with His
church. Because of Joseph Smith, we now have the privilege of having
this key, or authority, again on the Earth. We sat for a moment, and
then he said, "So if I get baptized with the proper authority,
then I can really be forgiven of my sins." We sat there and
testified of His Atonement and told him yes. He said that was still
going to be hard, but he was willing to go for it. So, we told him
to go home and between then and our next appointment, read 3 Nephi
11 and ponder it. Take some time to pour out his soul to the Lord,
and then ask if this was really true and if he should get baptized
again. He said okay, and wrote everything down. It was truly an
amazing experience.
Thursday we went by on a lot of people. We went by on less
actives and some friends of ours. Well, no one was home... And no
one was really on the streets so we couldn't really go out tracting.
Well, we did anyway, and we stopped someone and asked them if they
believed that the family was eternal. Well, the man stopped with his
wife and told us that he had never heard of that. We told him that
we were sharing a message that families can be together forever, and
they totally accepted and said we could call and come by some time!
It was awesome!
Friday went sort of the same way. No one was really home or on
the streets, except by the train station. But we made a couple of
calls and set out an appointment for that evening! Well we went to
our designated meeting appointment. Well, he didn't show up. But
then he called and said he was little late, so we waited a little
longer. Well, he eventually showed up. We went into the church, and
got to know him some more. He said, he was originally Muslim, but
had read a lot about Jesus Christ and had the desire to believe in
him as the Son of God. So we explained to him who He was and why He
was here. We read out of the Bible, and he was just so excited.
Saturday was... Just... Yeah... well we had went up to Krems for
an appointment with "G", and we called when we got there to
confirm it. Well, he wasn't there and we are pretty sure he went
down to St. Pölten to meet us there. So that was pretty much our day...
Sunday, well no one came to church! But we had really good talks
about the importance of our meetings and inviting people to church.
The Spirit was strong! And then we had a lesson later with a guy
named "J". Well, we talked a lot about the reality of Joseph Smith
seeing God the Father, and Jesus Christ. We talked about how this
was one of the first truths restored by Joseph Smith. Many people
believe that no man can see God without dying. Well, because of
Joseph Smith, we now have the truth along with so much else! I am so
grateful for the Restoration! It has helped me so much in my life
and has given me so much direction!
~Elder Albrecht~
Siehe, ich bin ein Jünger Jesu Christi, des Sohnes
Gottes. Ich bin von ihm berufen worden, sein Wort unter
seinem Volk zu verkünden, damit sie immerwährendes Leben
haben können -3 Nephi
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