Woche 32: Kilometer und mehr Kilometer
On Monday, we went to a beautiful little village in the Black Forest. It is called Neukirch. There was snow everywhere! It was so pretty. I also bought two ties. Fun fact: I came out with 18 ties. I now have 56 ties. And I have spent less than 15€ on them. A lot of them I aqquired from stuff missionaries left behind. I might have an obsession.
Tuesday we had a lesson with Herr "G". He lives an hour away from us so it is a pretty long
drive. Well, we found a couple people who said that they have
interest. I have learned on my mission how to communicate with
people without having a full depth conversation. We met a lady
from Romania and she didn't speak German or English, so we showed
her the Book of Mormon and said Jesus Christ, God loves us in
German and she accepted it. The language of the spirit is truly a
miracle. And after we went contacting, we went to our appointment
with Herr "G". We introduced the Plan of Salvation. It was
such a good lesson. We explained the doctrine of the after life.
He understood and accepted everything. He is very open and he
prays about what we teach as well to find out for himself. He
liked the fact that most of God's children would live in a kingdom
of glory, despite the fact of not living directly with him.
Wednesday, we went down to another
part of our area called Blumberg and Löffingen. We went out
finding but no one would listen. So we decided to go visit a less
active that was in the area. Bruder Abt lives in Löffingen all by
himself. No one has visited him in like 10 years. It is such a sad
situation. He still believes in Joseph Smith and the Restoration
makes complete sense to him, but he doesn't agree with all of the
doctrines of the church. It made me realize something. We can't
change doctrine because we don't agree with them. God is the
master of the doctrines. We can't tweak them and fix them. We
don't always agree, but we just need to study and come to
the knowledge as to why this doctrine is there, why God made it that way.
Thursday, we had our District
meeting in Singen. We also had our Interviews with President
Kohler. We discussed Agency and some other stuff within that.
We had another lesson with Herr "G". We discussed the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is just a
wonderful man. He has such a big desire to learn more about the
restored church and to come closer to Jesus Christ.
Well, this week was so awesome. I
love being a missionary and having the opportunity to serve the
Lord 24/7. Have an awesome week.
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