Woche 46:
Monday, was Monday... Played the Piano and stuff. Don't really
know what else to say...
Elder Jakobi struggled when opening this bag. I don't know why, but we all found it extremely hilarious and laughed and laughed and laughed. |
Tuesday we met with President Kohler in Vienna. So, we talked
about effective teaching, especially when we start teaching someone
for the first time. We discussed the importance of setting
expectations. Both the investigator and us need to know why we are
there. We have a very specific purpose as missionaries, and we need
to make sure that they understand that. And then after that we had
interviews and District Meeting. We talked about the importance of
being obedient, even in the small things. Obedience brings
blessings, exact obedience brings miracles. I think that's how it
goes... And then I had everyone play Telephone! Fun, and in German.
The sentence got way messed up. Which was good. And then we read a
couple of different things in Preach My Gospel. We discussed things
that strengthen the power in our prayers. For example, if we pray
using the right language, thee and thou, one of the obstacles\people
are gone. And so on and so forth. Until we have no obstacles between
us and God. And then the first person stood up and told us what he
said. It was a shocker because it was way different. We need to make
sure nothing is hindering us from a faithful and powerful prayer at
least everyday!
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Elder Wahl & Elder Albrecht |
Wednesday we went down to Lillienfeld and Traisen. And it is so
pretty down there! Beautiful weather, rolling hills, green grass and
a nice river through the valley. Oh my gosh! It reminds me of the
scripture Alma 30:44. Everything just proves there is a God, and
especially this part in Austria!!! But we did a ton of dooring and
tried focusing on the Book of Mormon. And we found 4 people who were
interested in the Book of Mormon! We knocked on one door and said
that we were sharing this book with people for free and he said no
and then was like, wait, did you say free. And then we told him what
it was and he said he would read it and we can come by and follow
Thursday we had a lesson with "M", she is the one from South
Africa. She said she didn't that she didn't have time to read in the
Book of Mormon but she was planning on reading it to her friend in
the hospital the next day which was way cool! But we talked about
God's plan for us and how we can know everything for ourselves. We
don't need to believe someone else nor should we. We can believe on
their words of course, but we should find out for ourselves. We
should build our own testimony!
We did a lot of walking... Friday was a Holiday. Tag der Arbeit,
otherwise known as Labour Day. So none of the Buses ran and everyone
was probably in Vienna. So we didn't really get to much of anything
on Friday.
Samstag bis Sonntag
Well, we had lunch with Sister Brunnsteiner. She is pretty much
my favourite member here in Austria, I mean... Well, she fed us some
Austrian food and dessert which was just so good!!! But
unfortunately Elder Wahl was sick the rest of the day along with
Sunday... But he is all better now! And I also realized that my
accent is so different and I can't speak English that well
anymore!!! NOOOOOO!!! Good thing I don't need it too much for the
missionary work!
~Elder Albrecht~
Siehe, ich bin ein Jünger Jesu Christi, des Sohnes
Gottes. Ich bin von ihm berufen worden, sein Wort
unter seinem Volk zu verkünden, damit sie
immerwährendes Leben haben können -3 Nephi
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